CFRI is hiring 3 crew leaders for our 2019 field season!
The Colorado Forest Restoration Institute at Colorado State University is hiring
experienced crew leaders to assist with field data collection and management in support of our
research and monitoring field studies. Crew leaders oversee crews of 3-4 technicians to ensure
safe, efficient, and high quality data collection. These are full-time positions from roughly April
through September 2019, with potential for extension dependent upon funding. Crews work
10-hour field days, frequently traveling overnight for 4-day trips to lodge near field sites.
Benefits include competitive health insurance options and per diem when traveling.
Application deadlines are Wednesday March 6, 2019 at midnight. See job postings below for more details.
2019 Research and Monitoring Crew Leader position description (Students and Non-Students)
2019 SBEADMR Project Crew Leader position description (Students and Non-Students)