CFRI Monitoring Handbook

CLICK HERE: to view the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute Monitoring Handbook

The purpose of this handbook is to provide guidance for the development and implementation of forest monitoring plans. Field monitoring and supporting adaptive management has been an integral part of the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute (CFRI) since its inception in 2005, and this handbook incorporates recommendations from the experience gained over the years.

By describing the monitoring process, from developing monitoring questions to deciding on protocols and data management procedures, CFRI hopes to empower people to track management outcomes and long-term changes in forested environments.

The goal of this handbook is to equip forest managers, field staff, and interested affected entities with the tools to develop an effective forest monitoring plan and establish standardized methods to create more opportunities for analysis and peer learning.


CLICK HERE: to view the Monitoring Handbook Video Series

This series of 8 videos provides specific directions on forest measurements that accompanies the text of the Monitoring Handbook.


CLICK HERE: to take the Monitoring survey

CFRI created this survey to get feedback from partners on monitoring to help guide the CFRI monitoring program in the future.



For questions please email Andrew Slack | [email protected]