Forsythe II field trip — July 21, 2018
Several MMG members showed up for the field trip on July 21, 2018. We visited Units 1, 63, and 107, and discussed aspen restoration aggregations and lodgepole pine patchcuts within these units. At the end of the field trip, we asked everyone for their takeaway thoughts. We captured those below:
MMG Participants (Non-USFS)
- The cooridor created near the aspen restoration area as an improved escape route is a good idea.
- It is good to hear that other conifer species will not be thinned in Units 1, 63, or 107 in addition to the patch cuts.
- Hoped to walk the entire units more than just stand and have Q&A and discussions. Aspen regeneration treatment area is good, but seems really large. Will need to walk the units to consider aggregations more to determine thoughts.
- Good to learn that ponderosa will be retained within patch cuts, but feels that there is more and more tree removal planned than was initially agreed upon.
- In terms of slash piles, it is good that people can take firewood. There is a public perception that fire danger will be completely reduced with these treatments, but that is just not the case. Lots of surface fuels will still exist, and slash piles are a big issue.
MMG Participants (USFS)
- Aspen restoration corridor creating an improved escape route is good. (Ruben, wildlife biologist on detail to the Arapaho Roosevelt National Forest)
- Overall, the field trip was good, and gave me a different perspective. My biggest concern is how I can clarify issues or questions up front, and not create more confusion. I feel behind in addressing questions and concern because there seems to be a lot of confusion, and I want to find ways to tackle that so that it doesn’t become a big issue for the MMG and can also reduce my workload. (Kevin)
- Field trips are good because you can see the landscape in context. I understand that there is a desire for a holistic view by the MMG, but see challenges ahead considering that projects will be done in phases. There was a great reminder that there are several units that are of primary concern for the MMG; I will be thinking about way to compromise within these units, and wants to continue to create common good with community. (Angie)