The Upper San Juan Mixed Conifer Working Group was convened in Fall 2010 to continue building on the adaptive management of warm-dry mixed conifer forests near Pagosa Springs.
Across the nation, natural resources underpin economics, recreation, identity, technology, and ecology. The health of our lands is intimately connected to the health of our communities. The inclusive and collaborative management of the forests and watersheds we all all rely upon is essential to improving the health of both the natural and human worlds. The San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership aims to meet this need in southwestern Colorado.
CFRI’s primary role is to assist in the development of a collaborative monitoring and evaluation strategy in order to foster continuous improvement of restoration treatments and practices. CFRI scientists are also assisting managers to compile, analyze, and deliver existing monitoring data to inform dialogue, planning, and project design.
More information on this program will be available as the project develops.