CFRI serves as a bridge between knowledge development (research) and knowledge application (management). CFRI’s work is organized into six focal areas that represent our unique skills, strengths, and areas of expertise aimed at developing and applying science-informed and locally-relevant solutions with and for affected entities.
This graphic recording and all graphic recordings on this page were created by Carrie Van Horn fromHeartwood Visuals
Spatial Wildfire Decision Support
RADS: Risk Assessment Decision Support
PODs: Potential Operational Delineations
Why do we need a Spatial Wildfire Decision Support team?
Managers and communities face overwhelmingly complex decisions about how to locate and prioritize forest and fire management actions to have the greatest impact.
What does the Spatial Wildfire Decision Support team do?
Kevin Barrett, Anson Call, Florinda Cardoso, Marin Chambers, Jackie Edinger, Savannah Lehnert, Anthony Martin, Kat Morici, Kelsey Newton, Maggie Parrish, Andrew Slack, Vausha Snyder, Maddie Wilson
Collaborative Adaptive Management
Why do we need a Collaborative Adaptive Management team?
Collaboration often emerges and evolves ad hoc in response to a crisis or opportunity, and with little strategic thought about the components needed to be resilient to inevitable changes or metrics of success.
What does the Collaborative Adaptive Management team do?
Climate Adaptation and Post-fire Recovery Core Staff
Kevin Barrett, Tyler Beeton, Marin Chambers, Jackie Edinger, Savannah Lehnert, Stephanie Mueller, Allie Rhea, Andrew Slack, Vausha Snyder, Camille Stevens-Rumann, Maddie Wilson
Why do we need a Capacity team?
CFRI's staff and partners do their best work when they are provided with, and know how to use, available tools, resources, and knowledge to address forest and fire management topics.