Our home at Colorado State University gives us access to abundant resources and cutting-edge knowledge which we apply to our work in forest collaboration, forest science, and forest health and resilience.
Our role is to provide engagement, knowledge, and science support to our collaborative partners which helps guide collaborative decision-making informed by best available science.
Actionable Knowledge
Using forest science and collaboration, CFRI offers actionable knowledge to groups we work with in the form of locally relevant, locally appropriate, science-informed solutions.
Senior Wildland Fire Spatial Analyst and Decision Support Research Associate This position will provide leadership in the development, implementation, and growth of CFRI’s program of work that advances scientific knowledge, analysis, and application of wildland fire behavior, risk …
CLICK HERE: to view the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute Monitoring Handbook The purpose of this handbook is to provide guidance for the development and implementation of forest monitoring plans. Field monitoring and supporting adaptive management has been an integral part …
Collection guides for foresters, botanists, restoration ecologists, and land managers When large-scale disturbances like fire, insects, or drought overwhelm a forest’s ability to recovery on its own, managers and landowners may decide to reforest critical areas. Such efforts require climatically …