Our Secret Sauce: Collaboration
CFRI serves as a bridge between knowledge development (research) and knowledge application (implementation). We collaborate with dozens of partners across forestry and wildfire research, management, and policy to support planning, prioritization, monitoring, and adaptive management. CFRI works across ownership boundaries, spatial scales, and decision-making levels to strategically target outcomes-based investments that enhance forest resilience and reduce wildfire risk across forest landscapes.
CFRI partners in many different projects across Colorado and the Southwestern US
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CFRI Collaborative Philosophy
Through collaboration and forest science research and monitoring, CFRI offers actionable knowledge in the form of locally relevant, locally appropriate, science-informed solutions. We give meaning to data so it can be used to support science-based decision making.
Collaborative Websites
CFRI maintains website pages for three collaborative groups

Multi-group Collaboration

In Colorado, we conduct field-based research, lead adaptive management processes, and deliver localized science support directly to land managers.
Throughout the central Rocky Mountains we research trends in fire ecology and forest development, and convene collaborative groups across land ownership and agency boundaries.
We engage leaders and agency staff by bringing science-based knowledge to decision-makers at the highest levels.