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Sampling Protocols: Front Range Forest Reconstruction Network (FRFRNet)

Sampling Protocols: Front Range Forest Reconstruction Network (FRFRNet)

  • Michael A. Battaglia, Peter M. Brown, Benjamin M. Gannon
  • Battaglia, M., Brown, P., Fornwalt, P., Gannon, B. (2012). Sampling Protocols: Front Range Forest Reconstruction Network (FRFRNet).
Understanding the discourse of forest restoration and biomass utilization: a Q-method case study of the Uncompahgre Plateau in western Colorado, USA

Understanding the discourse of forest restoration and biomass utilization: a Q-method case study of the Uncompahgre Plateau in western Colorado, USA

  • Jessica M. Clement, Pam Motley, Nathaniel Anderson
  • Clement, J, Motley, P, Anderson, N. (2012). Understanding the discourse of forest restoration and biomass utilization: a Q-method case study of the Uncompaghre Plateau in western Colorado, USA.
Proposed methods for monitoring “groupy-clumpy” forest cover characteristics at the stand scale

Proposed methods for monitoring “groupy-clumpy” forest cover characteristics at the stand scale

  • Yvette Dickinson, Kristen Pelz
  • Dickinson, Y. and Pelz, K. (2012). Proposed methods for monitoring “groupy-clumpy” forest cover characteristics at the stand scale.
The Front Range Forest Reconstruction Network: Reconstructing Forest Structure and Fire History in Montane Front Range Forests to Inform Restoration Activities

The Front Range Forest Reconstruction Network: Reconstructing Forest Structure and Fire History in Montane Front Range Forests to Inform Restoration Activities

  • Paula J. Fornwalt, Peter M. Brown, Laurie S. Huckaby, Michael A. Battaglia, Antony S. Cheng
  • Fornwalt, P, Brown, P, Huckaby, L, Battaglia, M, Cheng, T. (2012). The Front Range Forest Reconstruction Network: Reconstructing Forest Structure and Fire History in Montane Front Range Forests to Inform Restoration Activities. Poster for Association for Fire Ecology conference, December 2012.
Forest structure in unroaded old-growth: understanding the influence of soils on variability of long-term vegetation dynamics and fire history

Forest structure in unroaded old-growth: understanding the influence of soils on variability of long-term vegetation dynamics and fire history

  • Steve Hasstedt
  • Hasstedt, S. (2012). Forest structure in unroaded old-growth: understanding the influence of soils on variability of long-term vegetation dynamics and fire history.
Warm/dry mixed conifer in southwestern Colorado: a brief	synthesis of research on the San Juan National Forest

Warm/dry mixed conifer in southwestern Colorado: a brief synthesis of research on the San Juan National Forest

  • Julie E. Korb
  • Korb, J. (2012). Warm/dry mixed conifer in southwestern Colorado: a brief synthesis of research on the San Juan National Forest.
Predisposing and contributing factors associated with aspen mortality and the effects of Sudden Aspen Decline on ecological attributes, southwestern Colorado, USA

Predisposing and contributing factors associated with aspen mortality and the effects of Sudden Aspen Decline on ecological attributes, southwestern Colorado, USA

  • Julie E. Korb
  • Korb, J. (2012). Predisposing and contributing factors associated with aspen mortality and the effects of Sudden Aspen Decline on ecological attributes, southwestern Colorado, USA.
Colorado Front Range Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project: Social and Economic Monitoring Report for 2011

Colorado Front Range Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project: Social and Economic Monitoring Report for 2011

  • Kathie Mattor, Kawa Ng, Julie Schaefers, Tony Cheng, Carrie Tremblatt
  • Mattor, K, Ng, K, Schaefers, J, Cheng, T, Tremblatt, C. (2012). Colorado Front Range Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project: Social and Economic Monitoring Report for 2011.
Hayman Fire Research Summary, 2003-2012

Hayman Fire Research Summary, 2003-2012

  • Kevin Moriarty, Tony Cheng
  • Moriarty, K. and Cheng, T. (2012). Hayman Fire Research Summary, 2003–2012. Prepared for the Hayman Fire Science Symposium, June 21-22, 2012.
Proposed methods for monitoring forest canopy spatial structure

Proposed methods for monitoring forest canopy spatial structure

  • Kristen Pelz, Dr. Yvette Dickinson
  • Pelz, K. and Dickinson, Y. (2012). Proposed methods for monitoring forest canopy spatial structure.