Publication Archive

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Northern Colorado Fireshed Wildfire Risk Assessment

Northern Colorado Fireshed Wildfire Risk Assessment

  • Allison Rhea, Scott Ritter, Michael Caggiano, Ch’aska Huayhuaca, Jackie Edinger
  • CFRI-2221
  • Rhea A, Ritter S, Caggiano M, Huayhuaca C, and Edinger J, (2022) Northern Colorado Fireshed Wildfire Risk Assessment. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-2221.
Lake County Fuel Treatment Prioritization

Lake County Fuel Treatment Prioritization

  • Allison Rhea, Scott Ritter
  • CFRI-2207
  • Rhea, A, Ritter, S. (2022). Lake County Fuel Treatment Prioritization. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-2207
Lake County Wildfire Risk Assessment

Lake County Wildfire Risk Assessment

  • Allison Rhea, Scott Ritter
  • CFRI-2206
  • Rhea, A, Ritter, S. (2022). Lake County Wildfire Risk Assessment. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-2206
Limited seed viability in long-dead serotinous lodgepole pine trees in the Southern Rockies, USA

Limited seed viability in long-dead serotinous lodgepole pine trees in the Southern Rockies, USA

  • Charles C.Rhoades, Timothy S. Fegel, Robert M.Hubbard, Marin E.Chambers
  • Rhoades, CC., Fegel, TS., Hubbard, RM., Chambers, ME., (2022). Limited Seed Viability in Long-Dead Serotinous Lodgepole Pine Trees in the Southern Rockies, USA.
Restoration and fuel hazard reduction result in equivalent reductions in crown fire behavior in dry conifer forests

Restoration and fuel hazard reduction result in equivalent reductions in crown fire behavior in dry conifer forests

  • Scott M. Ritter, Chad M. Hoffman, Mike A. Battaglia, Theresa B. Jain
  • Ritter, SM, Hoffman, CM, Battaglia, MA, Jain, TB. (2022). Restoration and fuel hazard reduction result in equivalent reductions in crown fire behavior in dry conifer forests. Ecological Applications 32, 2682. DOI: 10.1002/eap.2682.
Potential operational delineations: new horizons for proactive, risk-informed strategic land and fire management

Potential operational delineations: new horizons for proactive, risk-informed strategic land and fire management

  • Matthew P. Thompson, Christopher D. O’Connor, Benjamin M. Gannon, Michael D. Caggiano, Christopher J. Dunn, Courtney A. Schultz, David E. Calkin, Bradley Pietruszka, S. Michelle Greiner, Richard Stratton, Jefrey T. Morisette
  • Thompson, MP, O’Connor, CD, Gannon, BM, Caggiano, MD, Dunn, CJ, Schultz, CA, Calkin, DE, Pietruszka, B, Greiner, SM, Stratton, R, Morisette, JT. Potential operational delineations: new horizons for proactive, risk‑informed strategic land and fire management. Fire Ecology 18:17
Effects of collaborative monitoring and adaptive management on restoration outcomes in dry conifer forests

Effects of collaborative monitoring and adaptive management on restoration outcomes in dry conifer forests

  • Kevin J. Barrett, Jeffery B. Cannon, Alex M. Schuetter, Antony S. Cheng
  • Barrett, KJ, Cannon, JB, Schuetter, AM, Cheng, AS (2021). Effects of collaborative monitoring and adaptive management on restoration outcomes in dry conifer forests. Forest Ecology and Management 488.
Developing Tools and Processes to Inform Forest Plan Monitoring and Evaluation: A report to the Pike and San Isabel National Forests Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands

Developing Tools and Processes to Inform Forest Plan Monitoring and Evaluation: A report to the Pike and San Isabel National Forests Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands

  • Tyler A. Beeton, Stephanie Mueller
  • CFRI-2101
  • Beeton, TA, Mueller, Stephanie (2021). Developing tools and processes to facilitate applying monitoring data to inform Forest Plan Monitoring and Evaluation: A report to the Pike and San Isabel National Forests Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands. CFRI-2101.
Outreach for a Forest Restoration Framework: Efforts, successes, and lessons learned during publication and communication of RMRS-GTR-373

Outreach for a Forest Restoration Framework: Efforts, successes, and lessons learned during publication and communication of RMRS-GTR-373

  • Hannah LC. Brown, Nehalem Clark, Kathie Mattor
  • CFRI-2109
  • Brown, HLC, Clark, N, Mattor, K (2021). Outreach for a Forest Restoration Framework: Summary of efforts, successes, and lessons learned during publication and communication of the GTR-373 restoration framework. CFRI-2109.
The Cameron Peak Fire: Use of Potential Operational Delineations and Risk Management Assistance Products

The Cameron Peak Fire: Use of Potential Operational Delineations and Risk Management Assistance Products

  • Michael D. Caggiano, Tyler A. Beeton, Benjamin M. Gannon, James White
  • CFRI-2106
  • Caggiano, MD, Beeton, TA, Gannon, BM, White, J (2021). The Cameron Peak Fire: Use of Potential Operational Delineations and Risk Management Assistance Products. CFRI-2106.