Publication Archive

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Fire behaves differently in different forest types.

Fire behaves differently in different forest types.

  • Hannah Brown, Marin Chambers, Camille Stevens-Rumann
  • CFRI-2007
  • Brown, H, Chambers, ME, Stevens-Rumann, CS, Edwards, G (2020). Fire behaves differently in different forest types. CFRI-2007.
Simulating spatial complexity in dry conifer forest restoration: implications for conservation prioritization and scenario evaluation

Simulating spatial complexity in dry conifer forest restoration: implications for conservation prioritization and scenario evaluation

  • Jeffery B. Cannon, Benjamin M. Gannon, Jonas A. Feinstein, Eunice A. Padley, Loretta J. Metz
  • Cannon, JB, Gannon, BM, Feinstein, JA, Padley, EA, Metz, LJ (2020). Simulating spatial complexity in dry conifer forest restoration: implications for conservation prioritization and scenario evaluation. Landscape Ecology 35, 2301–2319 (2020).
Using Potential Operational Delineations (PODs) on Your Forest

Using Potential Operational Delineations (PODs) on Your Forest

  • Michael D. Caggiano
  • Caggiano, MD, Brown H (2020). Using PODs on Your Forest. CFRI-2005.
Potential Operational Delineations and Northern New Mexico’s 2019 Fire Season

Potential Operational Delineations and Northern New Mexico’s 2019 Fire Season

  • Michael D. Caggiano, Christopher D. O’Connor, Richard B. Sack
  • CFRI-2002
  • Caggiano, MD, O’Connor, CD, & Sack, RB (2020). Potential Operational Delineations and Northern New Mexico’s 2019 Fire Season. CFRI-2002.
Building Loss in WUI Disasters: Evaluating the Core Components of the Wildland–Urban Interface Definition

Building Loss in WUI Disasters: Evaluating the Core Components of the Wildland–Urban Interface Definition

  • Michael D. Caggiano, Todd J. Hawbaker, Benjamin M. Gannon, Chad M. Hoffman
  • Caggiano, MD, Hawbaker, TJ, Gannon, BM, & Hoffman, CM (2020). Building Loss in WUI Disasters: Evaluating the Core Components of the Wildland–Urban Interface Definition. Fire, 3, 73.
Achieving Adaptive Governance of Forest Wildfire Risk Using Competitive Grants: Insights From the Colorado Wildfire Risk Reduction Grant Program

Achieving Adaptive Governance of Forest Wildfire Risk Using Competitive Grants: Insights From the Colorado Wildfire Risk Reduction Grant Program

  • Antony S. Cheng, Lisa Dale
  • Cheng, AS & Dale, L (2020). Achieving Adaptive Governance of Forest Wildfire Risk Using Competitive Grants: Insights From the Colorado Wildfire Risk Reduction Grant Program. Review of Policy Research.
Immediate Post-Burn Simple Plot Protocol Field Data Collection to Assess Immediate Post-Burn Vegetation and Fuel Characteristics

Immediate Post-Burn Simple Plot Protocol Field Data Collection to Assess Immediate Post-Burn Vegetation and Fuel Characteristics

  • Colorado Forest Restoration Institute
  • CFRI-2008
  • Colorado Forest Restoration Institute (2020). 2020 Rx Simple Plot Immediate Postburn Protocol. CFRI-2008
Simple Plot Protocol: Field Data Collection Protocol for Evaluating Fire Mitigation Effectiveness

Simple Plot Protocol: Field Data Collection Protocol for Evaluating Fire Mitigation Effectiveness

  • Colorado Forest Restoration Institute
  • CFRI-2010
  • Colorado Forest Restoration Institute (2020). 2020 Simple Plot Protocol. CFRI-2010
Immediate Post-Burn Mothership Plot Protocol: Field Data Collection to Assess Immediate Post-Burn Vegetation and Fuel Characteristics

Immediate Post-Burn Mothership Plot Protocol: Field Data Collection to Assess Immediate Post-Burn Vegetation and Fuel Characteristics

  • Colorado Forest Restoration Institute
  • CFRI-2009
  • Colorado Forest Restoration Institute (2020). 2020 Rx Mothership Plot Immediate Postburn Protocol. CFRI-2009
Mothership Plot Protocol: Field Data Collection to Assess Forest Restoration and Fire Mitigation Effectiveness

Mothership Plot Protocol: Field Data Collection to Assess Forest Restoration and Fire Mitigation Effectiveness

  • Colorado Forest Restoration Institute
  • CFRI-2011
  • Colorado Forest Restoration Institute (2020). 2020 Mothership Plot Protocol. CFRI-2011