Publication Archive

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The effects of drought on Engelmann spruce regeneration in Southwest Colorado

The effects of drought on Engelmann spruce regeneration in Southwest Colorado

  • Curtis Prolic, Seth Ex, Mike Battaglia, Jason Sibold
Tree Regeneration Spatial Patterns in Ponderosa Pine Forests Following Stand-Replacing Fire: Influence of Topography and Neighbors

Tree Regeneration Spatial Patterns in Ponderosa Pine Forests Following Stand-Replacing Fire: Influence of Topography and Neighbors

  • Justin P. Ziegler, Chad M. Hoffman, Paula J. Fornwalt, Carolyn H. Sieg, Mike A. Battaglia, Marin E. Chambers, Jose M. Iniguez
Climate drivers of seed production in Picea engelmannii and response to warming temperatures in the southern Rocky Mountains

Climate drivers of seed production in Picea engelmannii and response to warming temperatures in the southern Rocky Mountains

  • Arne Buechling, Patrick H. Martin, Charles D. Canham, Wayne D. Shepperd, Mike A. Battaglia
2016 Front Range CFLRI Monitoring: Progress, Outcomes, and Recommendations

2016 Front Range CFLRI Monitoring: Progress, Outcomes, and Recommendations

  • Jeffery B. Cannon, Kevin J. Barrett
  • CFRI-TB-1601
Landscape-scale characteristics of forest tornado damage in mountainous terrain

Landscape-scale characteristics of forest tornado damage in mountainous terrain

  • Jeffery B. Cannon, Jeffrey Hepinstall-Cymerman, Christopher M. Godfrey, Chris J. Peterson
2016 Gambel Oak Understory Study Summary

2016 Gambel Oak Understory Study Summary

  • Marin Chambers, Jeff Cannon